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  • Writer's pictureMaximilian Sam

We're Back With A Bang

We’re back and have plenty of news to share. We’ve been overjoyed by the response to our Soundtrack Of My Life series. In truth, we only did it as an idea to help a couple of friends launch their books in the early summer. What it’s become has amazed us. We’ve had authors from around the world, publishers, book reviewers, and podcasters sharing not only their wisdom, but also such an array of different songs. We’re amazed we could trace all the songs.

The most important part of running the series was it gave us the chance to focus on other important things for a few months. There’s a lot of news to get through.

First, we have launched a specialist PR service just for authors as part of MaxSam Communications. It gives authors the opportunity to have a full-service PR agency working with them at a fraction of the cost most agencies would normally command. We’re able to do this purely through the use of technology. Why would we waste your, and our, hard earned money on swanky offices when the truth has always been PR people only need a notebook, a computer, and a phone? These are huge savings we can pass on. We’ve made further savings by partnering with Payoneer, allowing you to pay in your local country with the local currency. We can currently accommodate USD$, AUD$, EUR€, GBP£, and AED. There’s no longer a need for expensive international bank transfers.

Our author services offer three set packages and a whole host of extra services. We’re aware every author’s needs are different, so can tailor packages to fit the requirements of each individual. It also keeps the costs down, as you only pay for the services you need.

Our approach is also unorthodox. If we do everything for you, then it’s more expensive as it takes up more of our time. Instead, we will mentor you from day one, teaching you how to complete some tasks yourself. We’ll always be on the phone, email, or WhatsApp to guide you through. This not only saves money, but teaches you new skills you can use in every aspect of your life.

You can get in touch through the website. There’s even a WhatsApp button so you can chat with us directly.

We’ve been hard at work ensuring MaxSam Communications is the consultancy we dreamed of when we started the journey. It’s taken 12 months of research to make sure we’ve achieved our goal. Thank you so much to everyone who gave up their time to help us ensure we can now offer what our customers are looking for.

We are only looking to work with small businesses. Our concept of mentoring small businesses so costs can be controlled clearly resonates with many people. Sadly, it’s far too time consuming to do so with large multi-nationals. We’ll leave them for the large agencies. If you’d like to know more, visit the website by clicking the image below.

This summer has also seen us fulfil a childhood dream. Before we turned to the dark side, and a lifetime in PR, we grew up wanting to be a journalist. Voices Newspaper in Didim has made the dream a reality. We now have a weekly column under the real name of Chris Evans. We’ve discussed topics ranging from UK banks and pensions to our new professional football team and a day out on a party boat. We even got to earn our journalistic spurs by covering the opening of a supermarket for the news section. Thankfully, we have not had any cats stuck up trees to report on!

We’ve also continued to accept the invitation to appear on Daisy Lane Publishing’s Inspire Series talking about all things books, although we must remember it’s now called KidLit International. You can see all the videos on YouTube by clicking the link below.

Sue Bavey has also been a large part of our summer. We’ve had more than one submission appear in her Not Marriage Material anthology. She must think we’re experts. You can see all the submissions at her website and even submit some of your own.

Ourselves and Sue have also had pieces accepted for a top secret anthology that will be published in 2025. We’ll let you know the details nearer the time.

Sue was also kind enough to ask us to write a blog on marketing as part of Self-Published Author Appreciation Week.

We’ve appeared in several interviews and articles over the summer. Morgen Bailey’s Saturday Spotlight was a particular highlight. You can read it here.

We also had the most incredible photo sent to us by a book reviewer. Aimee is an amazing person and, after this photo, even agreed to do a Soundtrack Of My Life piece.

Photo of Aimee with here books
Aimee withe her books and a special place for It's A Stray Dog's Life

There will be plenty going on over the winter too, not least the continuation of Spotlight Of My Life with some very special guests. The next book from Maximilian Sam will also be published. We won’t give very much away, but it has a lot to do with the first part of this blog!

You can still buy all the books, merchandise, and posters from the website. There are even two free short stories to download from the download page.


MaxS and The Stray Army

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You can also visit our sister company, MaxSam Communications, for all your PR and Marketing requirements.

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